The Board of Finance for the Town of Branford, established under section 11 of the Town Charter, consists of six electors of the town, with no more than three members from the same political party. The First Selectman of the town is an ex officio member of said Board, and votes only in the case of a tie. The Board chooses one of its members to be Chairman, with the Town Clerk serving as Clerk of the Board and keeping a record of all meetings and votes. The Board’s regular meetings are on the last Monday of the month. Special meetings may be called by either the Chairman of the Board or upon written request of any two members.
Following the annual budget meetings and public hearings of both the Board and the legislative RTM, the Board sets the tax rate in accordance with Section 2f4 of the Charter.
The Board of Finance has charge of the town’s investments and controls all sinking funds, amortization funds, deposit funds and all other trust funds which shall have been placed in the hands of the Town of Branford for a special purpose. Through the Finance Director, the Board keeps all necessary books and records and reports on the condition of the Town’s financial status in the Town’s annual report.
The Finance department is under the direction of the town’s Finance Director who, in addition to keeping the Boards records and advising the Board as to its investments, also conducts the town’s financial business, including purchasing, accounts payable, and bookkeeping. The Director also reviews, analyses and reports on the Town’s financial performance, contracts for annual independent audit, and oversees the inventory and management of the Town’s assets.