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Plant & Landscaping Information

Good stewardship begins at home and taking care of our private landscape gives us an opportunity to actively make a difference through thoughtful management of our plants, soil, and water resources. Small changes can make a big difference in environmental quality when we join with others in our communities and regions that are also good stewards of their home landscapes.

Quick Links to Resources Listed Below:

Plant Information
Invasive Plants
Landscaping (general, trees, rain gardens)
Plant Pests

Plant List Links

(Note: Not all species are native, it is recommended that you try to plant native species and do NOT plant invasive species. A list of invasive species NOT to plant can be found here.)

For information on specific plants:

Invasive Plants Links

For information on invasive plant identification, prevention and removal:

Landscaping Links


Rain Gardens:

A properly designed, and sized, rain garden can be an attractive way to manage storm water. It is best to select native plants for your rain garden, so be sure to double check before you buy and plant.


Plant Pests

Invasive species can cause significant damage to trees and other vegetation. Listed below are some species of concern and external resources for lists, identification, and prevention/management.

Asian Longhorn Beetle (ALB)

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

Spotted Lanternfly (SLF)

Pest Lists and Resources

Last Updated: Fri, 12/08/2023 - 9:39am